The 2024 season has begun!

Once again, we’re at the brink of a busy growing season. We are so grateful and so proud that we have been able to keep doing what sustains us and helps sustain our community. Ourselves and our  fellow farmers have once again made it through so many big challenges with tenacity, creativity and skill.  It’s an incredible amount of work keeping the crops flowing from our farm.  We don’t accomplish it alone though!  In the midst of it all, what has stunned us the most is the amount of support, encouragement, and friendship we have received from the people we feed!  The last few years have  made it clear that farming is in many ways a community effort.  We are more encouraged than ever to be here for you as farmers long into the future. 

We are currently in the midst of the ordinary spring flurry of activity. A big part of that is carefully mapping out our crop rotation plan. This year we’re taking on another acre of land which brings us up to 8 in total. This means we can add more warm-season cover-crops like buckwheat, clover and phacelia into our crop rotation. The soil benefits from it, the friendly wildlife love it, and we grow better healthier crops as a result.

Update: Last year was the first year since 2006 that we didn’t attend Moss Street Market and 2024 will be our second year away from market. 

Our CSA style box has been popular the last couple of years and we’re excited to offer it again this year.  Just like last year we’ll offer a choice of on-farm pickups, pickup at Moss Street Market’s online order tent, and a limited number of home deliveries.  Rock Bay Market has again generously offered their space as a pickup location!  We’re very happy to have their support–they’ve got so many cool things going on! 

We’ll keep you updated as we roll out our signup dates for the box program. In the mean time you can follow us on Instagram to see what we’re up to at Square Root Farm and Farmer Chrystal’s account. 

Your farmers,

Ilya and Chrystal